Kissing Veil, a set on Flickr.
At this rate, we're thinking about moving to Brazil, people seem to like interactive things there! The lovely folks who took our Bridal bouquet on tour in Brazil asked for a second round of bridal fun and after many ideas and brainstorming sessions, we came to a conclusion. Something for the bride, that stood out on the runway - so let us present to you, the Kissing Veil. As the bride and groom kiss, the veil lights up in a stunning display of fiber optics from Lumigram's fabrics.
A special thank you to Katrine Høvsgaard Nielsen, our 'fashion tech designer' who not only suggested the idea but also helped create to turn the shawl we bought from Lumigram into this beautiful veil.
The technology behind this project is essentially the same as the Touching Booth, when two people connect, they complete a circuit, and light up the veil.
We had to upgrade the Lumigram fabric, which came only with a regular white LED.(±15 lumens) Instead we pushed it to a 140 lumens super powered LED which really lights up veil, even in daylight.
The veil is currently on its way to Brazil so hopefully we'll have loads of photos and from the fashion shows and fairs!
Thank you lovely Yris for everything, we're happy to be working with you again.
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