Sep 13, 2009

Visiting N7331227 at Brandts!

N7331227, the ABB robot brought back to life with Illutron, has had been living a wonderful life, meeting new people everyday, taking a good look at them, and interacting with people, recognizing the visitor's drawings, and recreating them in light.

The robot uses Computer Vision to see people's drawings, and recreate them by pushing buttons on a wall which light up, corresponding to light bulbs, further down the line. The robot uses its vision to see if the light has been turned on, and if successful, moves on to the next light.

Since the N7331227 is a retired robot, having spend 30 years of its life grinding toilet seats, it might make a mistake now and then, but always corrects itself, and is irresistibly charming.

You can read about some of the beginnings of the reverse engineering of this robot here:

N7331227 will be living at Brandts art hall in Odense, Denmark until November 29, 2009. (Brandts)

Photos on Flickr:



Sep 3, 2009

BMSI Glove - Galvanic Skin Response and Heart Rate

A hand based sensor system to sense heart rate and galvanic skin response. Part of the biometric social interaction system designed by GeekPhysical.

Read more about it here: